Gratitude is the memory of the heart

1c25bf8f6c8fa1be9b6895e80dfc72bfThe blogosphere is buzzing with Diwali bee and I am still with the gratitude list of last month. On this special day of Diwali, I think I should not procrastinate it any more and here goes my post!!! October 2015 was a memorable year in my life for reasons known. My brother got married to his lady love this year ( More about it here ) and I feel so grateful to this nature that things went on as expected and the marriage was a super duper joyous event.

This month, I had been grateful to various people for various reasons.

  • The first wishes of gratitude for this month should certainly be extended to my mom, who made everything possible. After my father passed away, she stood like a rock solid pillar to protect us. Her due diligence and intelligent planning made it easier for the wedding to go as planned.
  • To the bride’s family who played the perfect hosts.
  • To all my cousins, who helped us to distribute the invitation cards, who were rock solid dance performers, who split nerve cracking jokes, who cooked midnight meals, who lent me the last minute cosmetics I lost, who were there from the beginning to the end.
  • To the cook who made delicious dishes all through the wedding though I am also cribbing that I put on a little weight.
  • To the photographers,floral decorators, mehendi artists, the tailors, the beauticians, the drivers,maids, each and every one who had been a part of this wedding.
  • Special mention of my employer who was kind enough to grant me a long leave to enjoy this vacation to the chore.
  • To my little son who is ever charming as he is and had been a trouble free kid and enjoyed his stay at the wedding.
  • To all my relatives who ensured to attend the wedding though it was on a festival day and to all who blessed the couple from wherever they were.

I enjoyed the marriage hush with irregular lunches, late night dinners, super duper jokes, family reunions, body fatigues, financial crunches, accounts management, superior plannings, failing executions, contingency plannings, teasing the bride and the groom and this list certainly continues.

Above all, our family as always proved to be one of the best. Thanks to everyone who stood by us!!! Love you all.

Linking this to October Gratitude Circle Bloghop and Alphabet Salad 

10 thoughts on “Gratitude is the memory of the heart

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