No, this is not my 100th Post

No, this is not my 100th post but I certainly feel the need to write this post.

It has been an year that I started following my passion and penning my thoughts in this blog and I must admit that it was a great journey with many sweet lessons learned.

I did not have prior experience of writing, I never had the habit of writing secret poems, verses and saving it for future reference. I did not know what blogs were and how they had readers. I was technically not equipped to build a blog.

Though I decided on my title “My thoughts they are – Sharing a few” in less than 10 minutes, I was not aware of how to build a blog. Goggled it, learned it and struggled to make it happen. After consulting some of my friends with a technical know-how, I understood WordPress was friendlier than its other counterparts. It did not take me anything less than a week to understand what menus, gadgets,theme,banners were. I went through many options, selected, deselected themes, fonts, banners and  finally made it happen.

I don’t think I can easily forget my first post either. Before writing the post, I took print outs of the same,shared it with many of colleagues and wanted everyone to say “Vow!! It is nice”. I published my first post and waited for readers. I expected many readers, this was even before I shared my blog address in my networking domain. ( Lol!!! Was I expecting a miracle to happen? ). Though I did not get much readers, I continued writing expecting readers and was wondering how to make someone read my post??? By this time, I shared my blog only with few close friends and family of mine.

On a fine day, when I was reading one of the blogs, I accidentally saw this logo called “” and without any second thoughts, I registered myself. Here started my actual blogging journey. I started getting readers,comments.Shashank, Anita, Vishal were some of the very first bloggers who took time to read my posts and found them interesting. I still remember the feeling when I saw the first comment on my blog. I felt so deserved, so loving, so talented!! huh!!!

Slowly, I started writing consistently and I can clearly reminisce all my feelings when I won  my first vow post, first tangy Tuesday pick, Spicy Saturday pick, skyscanner contest. Continuously, I had readers and loved the comments and enjoyed the compliments.

Why do I write?

I write because I love to. Every incident I see triggers a thought to write a post. I know this is a secret confession from most of the bloggers. Blogging had been a great journey. It introduced me to my real self. It brought in discipline, perseverance, patience in me. I am thankful to myself that I made an attempt at this and thoroughly enjoying it now.

I am happy that I am able to cater some quality time for myself though what I want to do much more than this.

Well, now why did I write this post?

Very recently, I have been approached for an interview by Smart Indian Women,first Indian website dedicated only for Indian Women who write about women bloggers, achievers and entrepreneurs of India.  You can check more about them here.

The very feeling of “To be interviewed” is something that surely cannot be written in few words here. I suddenly felt like a “Pro” . Happy to share my interview here. Hope you all enjoy reading it.

I think it would be incorrect on my part if I do not thank each one of you who are making my blogging journey a pleasure.

Thank you all.

Happiness is…

I can write a zillion reasons for defining happiness. For me, it can be as simple as seeing the glorious expression on my son’s face when he properly colors a picture, baking a simple cake, smelling a fresh flower.

The definition of happiness differs for each of us. For some, it may be a simple expression, others it may be their true aspiration. I read in many books and also totally concur to the fact that happiness is something that is within us. It is a homemade recipe. As I write this post, I started thinking when was the last time I was truly happy. Today? Yesterday? Last week? Last month? Last year??

 I realized that  there needs  an attempt to bring out the true happiness within us. We need to make a conscious effort to keep ourselves happy say after 10 years? I started thinking deep down and want to jot down the  life style changes that I need to make, to be happy after 10 years.

1) Stay fit: I must admit that my latest love is gymming. Very recently, I realized the need for getting fit. I enrolled myself in a gym and started exercising regularly and eating good food. This is a very major life style change I brought in and would like to continue forever. What matters is only 30 minutes of your time. If you are just able to start your day as less as 30 minutes earlier than what you do now, you will see the mystical effects it would leave on your life.

2) Have a hobby: Hobby time is “Me Time”, personally for me it is the golden time and I am sure most of you agree with it. For most of us, day starts usually with running on our invisible wheels the minute we pop up out of the bed. Most often, we never  bother to give time for ourselves. Though I have always been fond of music, writing, I have never pursued it as a serious hobby as I did not realise the importance of having a hobby. Off Late, I have developed some hobbies which gives me my most deserved “Me time”, eases the stress out and makes me feel special about myself. One such important hobby of mine is blogging.

3) No Gadget day : I need to awfully confess that after I purchased my new smart phone, I am addicted to it. Very recently, I came across a funny line which says “Whatsapp and diapers have a great similarity. We check both of them every 5 minutes even if nothing is there!!” I could totally connect to this. Luckily, I passed the diaper stage with my son, now need to work on passing the whatsapp stage as well. I want to make a “No Gadget Day” in a month. To start with, at least once or twice, I want to orphan the phones, laptops, computers, Television and spend quality time with my family.

4) Be Content : This is a topic in itself, which I have been planning to write quite some time now. The title explains it all, need I say more? Being content in what we have. Make it a practice and slowly it will become your lifestyle.

5) Fake Happiness: I realized that this attempt of being happy after ten years, starts today. We need to fake happiness from today. Say “I am happy” aloud on a daily basis and feel the cascading effects.  I am going to start it from now.

Do you have any plans? What do you want to do now to be happy after ten years?


Image source: Google